Terms and Conditions
This website (the “Site”) and online service (the “Service”) is intended for adults who want to meet other adults. The Service is maintained and provided by this domain’s owner.
This agreement is legal and is voluntarily made between You and Us (the “Agreement”) and applies to every site that belongs to Us and that is offering the Service. We encourage you to read the Agreement carefully before registering for this Service. By voluntarily registering for the Service, you confirm your agreement with the Agreement and all the terms and conditions it includes. You also agree to obey the Agreement until you cancel your participating as a member (the “Member”). Your disagreement with the described in this document terms and conditions or with any one of them shall be the reason for not proceeding with your registration for the Service and/or on this website. Please notice that we are free to change and/or modify the Agreement from time to time on our will. We are also free to make any sort of structural or other changes to the Site, rebuild it or modify its design; delete, create and modify any content hosted by the Site. Changing fees and/or payments that we ask for using any of the services provided by us is also possible unilaterally, without your consent. Your use of the Site after the changes have taken effect is up to you and completely depends on your acceptance of the stated above changes. You may be notified about the changes via e-mail addresses that were given to us by you.
The agreement is governed by all of the laws and regulations of the United Kingdom and without any regard to principles of conflicts of law, providing that the Arbitration Act does govern this arbitration agreement.
To protect children we do our best to restrict their access to the Site as well as the Service. Minors are not eligible for registering and becoming members. If you become the Member, you confirm, and warrant, and represent that you are 18 years old or older. By using the Site as well as the Service you represent, confirm, warrant that you have the authority, the right as well as capacity to enter into the Agreement and to follow all the terms and conditions described in the Agreement. The discounts you got for using the Service are solely for your own exclusive use in person, in no way can you authorize others to use the discount that personally belongs to you. You also shall not transfer your account or assign it to any other persons and/or entities.
Registration and Subscription
The Service gives the opportunity to register as the Member free of charge, but if the Member wishes to continue using the Service with its full functionality such as initiating most types of communication with other participants as well as using some other services rendered by us, the Member shall become a subscriber and pay all the corresponding fees that are asked by the Service. The price list is the subject of the Agreement and the right to change the prices listed in it is reserved by us. By voluntarily registering for the Service, you confirm and give your consent to provide accurate and actual information about yourself in full, as it is prompted by the registration form of the Site. The Member further agrees that the data entered into this form (“Registration Data”) must be kept up to date, corrected, and refreshed if changes occur. The Member also agrees and clearly understands that The Service shall consider Registration Data as accurate, actual as well as complete. The Member understands that if his Registration Data is inaccurate in any respect, not actual in any respect, incomplete in any respect, then the Service is free to terminate the Member’s use of the Service as well as denounce the Agreement and, if such an event occurs, the Member cannot claim a refund for subscription fees that have not yet been utilized by the Member but which the Member has already paid.
Term and Termination
Please notice, that The Agreement shall remain in its full force, in effect as long as the Member uses the Service. The Member can, at any time, freely terminate his discount. To do this the Member should follow the instructions on the corresponding web page of the Site, or by sending a written or electronic (e-mail) notice of termination. Discount will be terminated upon receipt of such notice. The Service, and the Member as well, may terminate the Member’s discount by deleting the Member’s profile at any time, for whatever reason, with a consequent explanation or without it, which become effective on sending a written or electronic (e-mail) notice to the other party. If such termination has been initiated by the Service without cause, the Service shall pay a refund (pro-rata) any sum of money that has already been paid but has not yet been spent by the Member for his subscription.
If the Member terminates his or her subscription or discount, the Service takes this as a violation of the Agreement and has the right to reject the Member’s claim for a refund of any unused money that has already been paid by the Member and received by the Service. The Service may also prohibit your using the Service in the future. After the termination, this agreement will stay in its full effect.
Proprietary Rights
The member represents and warrants to the Service that all the information published in the Member’s profile including all photographs is only posted by the Member and that the Member possesses exclusive rights and is the only author of the Member’s profile and the only exclusive owner of the Member’s photographs. The member assigns to the Service, with full title guarantee, completely all copyright in the Member’s profile and the Member’s photographs posted in connection with the Member’s use of the Service. The member is to be identified as the author of the Member’s profile and owner of the Member’s photographs and any comparable rights in any jurisdiction in the World. Other members may also post information that is copyrighted and is copyright protected, be it identified as copyrighted material or not. Only that information which exists in the public domain or for which the Member gave written permission can be copied, other information shall not be copied, or modified, or published, or transmitted, or redistributed, or displayed, or sold, et cetera by the Member. By posting any information, any photographs or any content on the Service, the Member automatically grants (warranting that he or she has the right to do it), to the Service, the Site, and other members an irrevocable, as well as perpetual, as well as non-exclusive, as well as worldwide royalty-free license that allows copying, performing, displaying, publishing, using and distributing such information, and/or content, and/or photographs, making derivative works of, and/or incorporating such information and/or content into other works, and to authorize as well as grant sub-licenses of all the above mentioned.
Use of The Service
The member agrees that:
(1) The member shall use the Service strictly and fully consistently with all applicable laws as well as regulations. Any URL's, telephone numbers , last names, street addresses or email addresses shall not be included and disclosed in the Member’s profile by the Member unless the Member is asked for providing such type of information in the corresponding Personal Information section or webpage of the Site. The member shall not advertise anything, or make solicitations, thus bothering other members by asking to buy or sell any possible products or services via the Service and the Site. The Member shall not be transmitting junk emails to and spamming other members. The member is the only person responsible for the Member’s interactions and experience with other active and former members or any other members. The service reserves the right but is in no way obliged, to monitor as well as mediate disputes between the Member and other active or former members or any other members.
(2) The member is the only individual responsible for the published or displayed (“posted”) by the Member on the Service, or transmitted by the Member to other members. The Member is prohibited from posting and/or transmitting to whomever related to the Site or the Service, any defamatory, and/or abusive, and/or obscene, and/or profane, and/or sexually-charged materials. The members are not allowed to threaten, harass other members and/or whoever related to the Site and the Service. Illegal material, or the content that is violating another party's rights, including intellectual property rights as well as rights of privacy and publicity) are prohibited. The member shall not include in the Member’s profile any kind of anatomical or sexual references. The Member agrees not to use offensive and sexually charged or connotative language. The Member cannot post any visual material, including schematics, drawings, photographs or paintings, containing nudity or any person’s personal information. The Service is free, but is not obliged, to reject the Member’s profile or visual materials that do not comply with the prohibitions and restrictions mentioned in this section. As a consequence, the Member loses any right to claim refunds of any subscription payments that have not yet been used by the Member at the time when the aforementioned action takes place.
(3) E-mail letters sent by the Service or through the Site are meant to improve your online experience and make it pleasant. By becoming the Member, you completely agree to receive these e-mail communications without limitation. Any types of messages are acceptable: electronic notifications, offers, events and parties announcements, the Site news, promotional materials.
(4) The Service is in no way responsible or liable for the accidental deletion as well as corruption, or any failure to store electronic messages or other content maintained by the Site. The Member acknowledges that functionality, features, or other available services that the Service is providing can be changed. The Member acknowledges that the Service is free to sign out, terminate, or even delete The Member’s account provided that it is no longer active (“Inactive”). An inactive account is one that has not been utilized for at least twelve months (The Member has not signed in for twelve months).
(5) The staff of the Service and the Site (The Staff) are supposed to make your experience pleasant and convenient. They are to provide assistance and guidance necessary to You. When talking to the staff of the Service or the Site via the phone or any other means of communication, The Member will not be speaking in an abusive, obscene, profane, as well as sexually charged manner, the Member will never threaten, harass or offend them. Should the Staff feel threatened and/or offended by the Member’s conduct, The Service is free to inevitably terminate the Member’s discount and, as a result, the Member loses any right to claim refunds of any subscription payments that have not yet been used by the Member.
The service is completely entitled to terminate The Member’s discount if the Service or the Site were misused by the Member. If the Member behaved inappropriately, unlawfully, or illegally, his or her discount will also be canceled. Here are partially listed examples of actions that are illegal or prohibited as well by the power of this Agreement:
(a) The Member is impersonating any person.
(b) The Member is stalking or otherwise harassing other individuals.
(c) The Member is expressing and implying any statements as if they were endorsed by the Service, but in reality, the permission to do so was never given by the Service.
(d) The Member is using any software, or other manual or automatic means to retrieve as well as index, and/or, in any way reproduce or circumvent the Service or the Site’s navigational structure, presentation, or contents.
(e) The Member is posting, distributing, and also reproducing, in any possible way, copyrighted materials as well as information without getting the consent of the person or entity that owns these materials.
(f) The Member is removing any copyright, trademarks, any other sorts of proprietary rights notices that are being contained in the Service.
(g) The Member is interfering with or disrupting the work of the Service or the Site.
(h) The Member is posting, emailing, or otherwise transmitting dangerous software known as viruses or any software engineered to interrupt, destroy, restrain or limit the functionality of the Service or the Site or any computer or software in general.
(i) The Member is forging headers or manipulating identifiers to disguise the origin of any information transmitted via the Service or the Site.
(j) The Member is copying or replicating any part of the Service or the Site, without entering into agreement with them.
(k) The Member is using meta tags or code referencing to the Site or the Service for any purpose.
(l) The Member is modifying; sub licensing; translating; selling; committing reverse engineering; in any possible way converting; decompiling or, in other words, disassembling portions of the Site or the Service and the software that is used by them
Indemnity by The Member
The Member shall indemnify the Service and the Staff and/or third parties or agents for any arising out of the Member’s use of the Service or the Site losses, liabilities as well as expenses, including:
(I) The Member’s breach of the Agreement;
(II) The Member’s violation of the copyright as well as intellectual property rights of third parties which occurred while the Member was using the Service or the Site.
Online Content:
Opinions, pieces of advice, statements, offers, or informational or electronic content that is available through the Service, but not directly by the Service, belong to their authors, and should not necessarily be relied on. All of such authors are solely and completely responsible for the content they create. The service does not guarantee the accuracy or usefulness of the information posted on the site or via the service, the service neither adopts nor endorses and in no way has responsibility for the content created or made by others. The service is in no way responsible for damages or losses resulting from anyone's reliance on any content posted on the site or via the service.
Intellectual Property
All possible existing intellectual property rights, including database and design rights, trademarks, in the Service or found on the site belong to the Service. All other trademarks, logos, company, or product names outlined in the Site or the Service are the property of their corresponding respective owners.